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Cobra9 news, updates and race results

Whilst there has not been so much activity on the site recently, there has been some large updates and upgrades occurring in both the setup of Cobra9 and the manufacturing process over recent months.

One of the key elements has been the ongoing training and establishment of regional Cobra9 personnel who are able (and willing) to assess and cast perspective Cobra9 Pro clients.  In the coming weeks, we will begin the process of formal recognition of some of the practitioners, their location and a brief summation of their background.  (Shaved legs inessential currently).

We are still looking for potential qualified casting practitioners in some capital cities.  Currently we have a mix of physiotherapists and podiatrists in these roles who have a background in bike fit and cycling orthotics.  If you want to be involved or are curious about the process, contact us for further information.

Their have also been some upgrades to the Pro and Semi Pro devices with a more tapered inside (medial) border further reducing the potential for shoe contact (the ugly bulge most orthotics leave on the inside of your shoe) and reducing effective weight and dimensions of the carbon fibre shell.

On a separate note, Cobra9 cyclist Scott Nolan (Scottish) managed to take out the South Australian age group time trial championship obliterating the field.  An impressive effort for a man only now getting intimate with his Specialized Shiv.

Imagine how fast he would have gone without this guy hanging on the whole time!

Unfortunately Scottish and his son Liam were injured recently on a training ride and we hope they have a speedy recovery.  Young Liam is really showing some promise of emulating his old man.  Also injured recently was Cobra9 criterion specialist Dave Calvisi who chewed the pavement racing in Brisbane recently.   It really has been a year of injuries here at Cobra9.

Dugald, Coffee and Cobra9

We also welcome new team member Dugald Macarther to the ranks for both racing and coffee consumption purposes.  He is a real asset and will provide some much needed all round strength to the team.

Stay safe.


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